Restorative space part 2

Restorative space full arch - part 2

Vertical restorative space : Implant retained overdenture (Locators, bar, bar and locators), Implant supported fixed complete denture

The available restorative space is measured from the implant prosthetic platform to the proposed incisal edge in the anterior region and occlusal plane in the posterior region and this space will govern the selection of the prosthesis. Mich et al 2005


  • Any removable dental prosthesis that covers and rests on one or more remaining natural teeth, the roots of natural teeth, and/or dental implants. JPT9

Attachments types:

  1. Stud attachments
    • O-rings attachment
    • Extra-radicular attachment (ERA)
    • Ball attachment
    • Locator
  2. Bars and clips
  3. Magnets
  4. Telescopic



  • Ideal vertical space: 10 – 12 mm
  • Save space with different attachment systems
  • Minimum horizontal space: 9.45 mm

Bar + Locators

  • Ideal vertical space: 15 – 20 mm


  • Literature ranges: 11 – 15 mm
  • Minimum space: 10.5
  • Hader bar minimum: 7mm

Fixed complete denture

A fixed dental prosthesis that replaces the entire dentition and associated structures of the maxillae or mandible; it cannot be removed by the patient. GPT9

Hybrid FCD

Ideal space: 15-20 mm

Toronto / High water prosthesis: 19 mm

Zirconia (3Y)

Ideal space: 10-14 mm

Width minimum 3 mm