Reduction of the residual alveolar ridges

The continuing reduction of the residual alveolar ridges in complete denture wearers: A mixed-longitudinal study covering 25 years

Tallgren 2003


  • The reduction of the residual alveolar ridges was most rapid during the first year of denture wear.
  • 2 groups :
    • In Group C, all dentures were made of vulcanite
    • Group A, the dentures were made of acrylic resin. 
    • In both groups the dentures were provided with porcelain teeth
  • During the preinsertion period no significant difference between the maxillary and mandibular reduction was found
  • The relationship between the mandibular and maxillary reduction gradually increased to approximately 4:1 at the seven-year stage.
  • In Group A the mean decrease in anterior height of the lower ridge between the seven-year and 13.5 year controls was 1.4 mm. and that of the upper ridge was 0.4 mm
  • The mean decrease in mandibular height during the total period of 13.5 years was 7.7 mm. and the maxillary reduction was 2.2 mm.
  • The mean decrease in mandibular height during the total period of 13.5 years was 7.7 mm. and the maxillary reduction was 2.2 mm.
  • The average reduction in anterior height of the lower ridge during a 25 year period of complete denture wear would amount to some 9 to 10 mm. and the reduction of the upper ridge to some 2.5 to 3 mm.
  • Mandibular bone loss in subjects with a more lingual placement of the artificial lower incisors than that of the natural teeth should be considered