Immediate versus delayed loading of dental implants

Immediate versus delayed loading of strategic mini dental implants for the stabilization of partial removable dental prostheses: a patient cluster randomized, parallel-group 3-year trial

Mundt et al 2016
  • long-term survival data for mini implants are lacking and acceptable short-term survival rates (>90 %) of mini-implants are only documented for mandibular overdentures


  • The short-term survival rates of immediate loaded mini-implants that are used to stabilize maxillary overdentures were unacceptably low and ranged between 54 % and 85 %
  • The mean radiographic bone loss was >5 mm in the first year and therefore higher than in studies on mandibular overdentures with mean bone loss rates between 0.4 and 1.2 mm
  • insertion torque of one MDI was < 35 Ncm.
  • the MDIs should be located always mesial of the mental foramen.
  • Delayed loaded regulardiameter implants of 15 patients showed bone loss of 0.51 ± 0.39 mm after one year and of 0,62 ± 0.44 mm after 3 years.
  • Immediate loaded implants of 15 patients showed bone loss of 0.91 ± 0.63 mm after 1 year and 0.98 ± 0.64 mm after 3 years.