Restorative space

Restorative space – part 1 Vertical restorative space : Single screw/cemented implant supported crown, Implant supported fixed dental prosthesis screw/cemented Restorative Space definitions: Dental restorative space may be defined as the 3-dimensional oral space available for prosthodontic restoration. Ahuja et al, JPD 2011 The vertical distance between the maxillary and mandibular dentate or edentate arches.

Immediate versus delayed loading of dental implants

Immediate versus delayed loading of strategic mini dental implants for the stabilization of partial removable dental prostheses: a patient cluster randomized, parallel-group 3-year trial Mundt et al 2016 long-term survival data for mini implants are lacking and acceptable short-term survival rates (>90 %) of mini-implants are only documented for mandibular overdentures The short-term survival rates

Clinical Behavior of fiber post

Francesca et al 2003 Clinical Behavior of Translucent-Fiber Posts: A 2-Year Prospective Study Monticelli et al 2003 Fiber posts have overcome some of the limitations of metallic posts (platinum, alloys, or titanium) concerning the esthetic appearance, mode of failure, and clinical performance Carbon-fiber posts for anterior roots meant to provide support to an all-ceramic coronal

Peri-implant soft tissue phenotype modification

Peri-implant soft tissue phenotype modification and its impact on peri-implant health: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Tavelli et al 2020 A review on clinical studies that involved soft tissue augmentation around dental implants and reported findings on KMW, MT, and/or STH changes. Insufficient amount of keratinized mucosa width (KMW) < 2mm around dental implants

Zirconia frameworks for posterior fixed partial dentures

Five-year clinical results of zirconia frameworks for posterior fixed partial dentures Sailer et al 2007 Studies using finite-element analysis demonstrated that during occlusal loading the highest stress within FPDs was located at the gingival side of the connector area. Zirconia exhibits the highest bending strength (900 MPa) . The preprosthetic and prosthetic treatments were toughness

Assessment of implant stability

Assessment of implant stability as a prognostic determinant Meredith 1998 Clinicians have reported success rates for implants as high as 90%. Endosseous Implants Osseointegration has been defined as “a process whereby a clinically asymptomatic rigid fixation of alloplastic materials is achieved and maintained in bone during functional loading.” Implant survival and implant success are quite

Topographic Implant Surface

Oral Implant Surfaces: Part 1—Review Focusing on Topographic and Chemical Properties of Different Surfaces and In Vivo Responses to them Albrektsson et al 2004 Morra et al  found that machined implants display a lower concentration of titanium on the surface and a higher concentration of carbon than sandblasted, acid- etched, or plasma-sprayed surfaces. Wear is

Gingival displacement

Current concepts in gingival displacement Donovan et al 2004 This article discusses the concepts of gingival displacement for optimal impressions Inadequate impressions are frequently forwarded to commercial laboratories, and the chief deficiency seen in such impressions is inadequate recording of the cervical finish lines.  The primary reason for not adequately capturing marginal detail is deficient

Types of tooth wear

Attrition, abrasion, corrosion and abfraction revisited: A new perspective on tooth surface lesions Grippo et al 2004 The article presents a schema of the pathodynamic mechanisms in the formation of tooth surface lesions—three basic physical and chemical mechanisms, their interactions and their dental manifestations. Definitions of Lesions: Attrition: Tooth-to-tooth friction. Can have proximal attrition. Abrasion:

Worn dentition

Restoration of the extremely worn dentition Turner and Missirlian 1984 This article discusses the diagnostic evaluation, treatment planning, and modes of restorative treatment for patients who suffer from extreme occlusal wear. Etiology of tooth wear: Congenital anomalies: Amelogenesis Imperfecta: (hypoplastic, hypomaturation, hypocalcified). Dentinogenesis imperfect: is characterized by an amber-colored translucency of the denti- tion, and