Clinical Behavior of fiber post

Francesca et al 2003 Clinical Behavior of Translucent-Fiber Posts: A 2-Year Prospective Study Monticelli et al 2003 Fiber posts have overcome some of the limitations of metallic posts (platinum, alloys, or titanium) concerning the esthetic appearance, mode of failure, and clinical performance Carbon-fiber posts for anterior roots meant to provide support to an all-ceramic coronal

Zirconia frameworks for posterior fixed partial dentures

Five-year clinical results of zirconia frameworks for posterior fixed partial dentures Sailer et al 2007 Studies using finite-element analysis demonstrated that during occlusal loading the highest stress within FPDs was located at the gingival side of the connector area. Zirconia exhibits the highest bending strength (900 MPa) . The preprosthetic and prosthetic treatments were toughness

Gingival displacement

Current concepts in gingival displacement Donovan et al 2004 This article discusses the concepts of gingival displacement for optimal impressions Inadequate impressions are frequently forwarded to commercial laboratories, and the chief deficiency seen in such impressions is inadequate recording of the cervical finish lines.  The primary reason for not adequately capturing marginal detail is deficient

Worn dentition

Restoration of the extremely worn dentition Turner and Missirlian 1984 This article discusses the diagnostic evaluation, treatment planning, and modes of restorative treatment for patients who suffer from extreme occlusal wear. Etiology of tooth wear: Congenital anomalies: Amelogenesis Imperfecta: (hypoplastic, hypomaturation, hypocalcified). Dentinogenesis imperfect: is characterized by an amber-colored translucency of the denti- tion, and


Hyposalivation and Xerostomia: Etiology, Complications, and Medical Management Turner 2016 ·  Hyposalivation: an objective finding of a decreased salivary production ·  Xerostomia: the subjective feeling of having dry mouth ·  Normal unstimulated flow rate: 800-1500 mL/day or 0.3-0.4 mL/min ·  Abnormal flow rate: <0.1 mL/min   Normal Salivary Function ·  2 components: mucinous and serous,

Ferrule Design

Sorensen 1990 Ferrule design and fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth Sorensen et al 1990 The term coined by Eissman, and he recommends to be 2 mm. To exam the effect of various ferrle designs on fracture resistance of endodontically treated anterior teeth. Material and methods 1) 60 intact maxillary central incisors were randomly assigned

Shortened Dental Arch

Limited Treatment Goals – Shortened Dental Arches Kayser 1994 Preservation of complete dental arches may be technically possible but should be weighed against limited treatment goals The anterior teeth and premolars are essential for life and therefore deserve the best preventive and restorative care. This is the core of the shortened dental arch concept. The compulsion

Smile aesthetics

Some esthetic factors in a smile Tjan et al 1984 The smile is one of the most important facial expressions and an esthetic smile can enhance an individual’s acceptance into society by improving initial impressions and interpersonal relationships. Beauty is not absolute, it is extremely subjective and can be dictated by cultural factors and individual

Golden Proportion

The Golden Proportion Revisited J. Preston 1993 In an attempt to seek mathematical assistance in developing dental esthetics, Levin advocated the use of the golden proportion for establishing tooth size and stated that “the perceived width of the maxillary central incisor is in golden proportion to the width of the lateral incisor” (1:0.618). Similarly he

Contemporary Impression Materials

A review of contemporary impression materials and techniques Donovan et al 2004 This article outlines the ideal properties of impression materials and explains the importance of critical manipulative variables. Available impression materials are analyzed relative to these variables, and several ‘‘specialized’’ impression techniques are described. Ideal properties  1.Elastic recovery:  Elastomeric impression materials must be able to